The first thing you need to memorise before playing the piano is the piano notes. What are they called? A standard piano keyboard has 88 keys on it including the black notes. The first notes to learn are the white notes, but how do go about learning the names of all those white notes.
Whatever keyboard you are using, the easiest way to memorize the note names is not to look at the full keyboard but at just one part of the keyboard, because there are only seven white notes names to learn. after you have learned what these notes are called you will know what each white note on a keyboard is called.
So here are the seven white notes you need to learn. C, D, E, F, G, A and B. Certain teachers would preferably introduce these letters alphabetically, that is starting with A rather than C. This is just a preference, I favour starting on C because when you start to play the piano C, is going to be an important reference note and most beginners wont even play A on there first lesson, were as C will be an important first lesson note.
The next thing is to find where the notes are on the piano. To do this we will use what I like to call shapes, that is to find sets of three black notes together and sets of two black notes together. To do this you will need a piano, a keyboard, or a picture of a keyboard. We can now look at the keyboard and find the fist shape. You are looking for two black notes together, think of it a shape, if you look at the whole keyboard, you will see lots of instances of two black notes together. Now pick one instance of two black notes together, it doesn't matter which two, and you will notice they are surrounded by three white notes. The first white note is to the left of the first black note, the next white note is between the two black notes and a white note to the right of the second black note. The first white note, that's the one to the left of the first black note is called C, the second white note, the one in the middle is called D and the final note is called E.
The next shape you are looking for is three black notes together and these notes are surrounded by four white notes. Starting from the left again these notes are called F, G, A and B. That's it; you have learned all the white notes on a keyboard. The two black note and three note shapes are repeated on the whole keyboard and so are the notes. With a little bit of practice you should be able to find any note on the piano. Just remember that every two black note shapes are surrounded by C, D and E, and every three note shape is surrounded by F, G, A and B.
To find out more about Piano Lessons visit Mikes website. You can also see a selection of new and used Electric Pianos and Electronic Keyboards
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